Agra, less excited second time around

Air India. So far the best airline for travelling domestically. Their seats and legroom are much bigger. Not that shorty & skinny me needs extra size seat & legroom. But the leggies and biggies will love Airindia for these. And they serve meals for our 70-minute journey from Varanasi to Agra. It’s so surreal to …

Suicide, or was it Homicide Mission? Probably Both

What doesn’t kill you makes you live to tell…

Being Meany, again. In Varanasi

Went to visit this temple. One young boy, could be around 15, greeted me and asked me to start with a small chamber on the right. There were 2 items of importance in the chamber. He told me but I forgot the minute he finished explaining. Then asked me to repeat after him. Something like …

Meany Me in Udaipur

We hire a taxi in the morning to visit a Hindu temple in Eklingji. Two young girls are at the entrance of the 8th century. They look like 9 and 10. They ask me to take their photo. I snap one. Then they ask to see the photo. As quickly as they see their picture, …

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