Air India. So far the best airline for travelling domestically. Their seats and legroom are much bigger. Not that shorty & skinny me needs extra size seat & legroom. But the leggies and biggies will love Airindia for these. And they serve meals for our 70-minute journey from Varanasi to Agra.

It’s so surreal to see all personnel at Agra Airport are in military fatigue carrying machine guns. Ben tried to take photo of me with Air India aircraft in the background but was told to not to by one personnel. It’s a farking military airport.

No private vehicles nor taxis are allowed  into the airport area. However they have busses to shuttle the passengers to and from the main entrance for INR35.

The moment we get off the shuttle bus, the waiting taxi & tuktuk drivers charge toward us with all the agressiveness, like hyenas after a kudu carcass. If we don’t act fast to pick one driver we may lose a limb or two in their battle to get us.

No point looking for bargain. Pick one, agree on the price and zoom out of the hyenas’ den.

Even if you already agreed on the price, it does not mean that they will not try to squeeze more out of your pockets. At the beginning of our trip we paid extra on top of the agreed prices, if they asked for more for their hungry chickens or sick cows. Then we learned that India is one big scammer.

Too foggy too polluted for clear picture of Taj Mahal.

The picture is the best shot of Taj Mahal I can get, from a distance through a very smoggy day in Agra. 😷😧
I remember well from last experience, our first visit to Taj Mahal. It was so crowded. We paid INR700 which was 10 times more than the locals. And we were herded like sheep by the crowd-control police officers.

Not again. Not for INR1300 this time. Almost a 100 percent jump within 5 years. #byefelicia

The closest we got to the Taj Mahal was the West Gate.

We were planning to catch the sunset from its East Gate. But there was no sunset. It got too foggy and the sun kept shying away behind the cloud.

West Gate

Published by keeinkl

keyboard warrior. travel & snap photos using my phone. not very happy that the earth is over-populated by humans. my ig: kee.kl

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