Ramadhan 2020. It still doesn’t feel like it. Apart from 2 friends staying in the same building as I am and the Bangladeshi that mans the mini mart downstairs, Sazeb, I’ve not been in close proximity or socializing with anybody else since the lockdown. So I’ve not met nosy, holier-than-thous asking “Are you fasting?” to …

Suicide, or was it Homicide Mission? Probably Both

What doesn’t kill you makes you live to tell…

Mirror on the Wall knows

Another day. Another argument. It’s all entrenched on hatred toward each other. The Malays firmly believe that the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) as terrorist organization and up in arms demanding authority to go on witch hunt and prosecute those they believe are/were supporters and sympathizers of the group. The non-Malays, especially the …

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